Tag: movie trailer

Episode 108: The Red Onion Saloon

Way up north in Alaska, there’s a place where you can visit another time by stepping into an old-time Saloon. You can get a drink, enjoy the atmosphere, see some…

Episode 102: Free Haunted House

Would you be interested in a house if it was free? It’s all yours as long as you take it off the property. The whole thing is yours; floors, walls…

Episode 82: High School Physics Class Ghost Hunting Project

A group of teens from Albion, NY did an investigation for a high school project and might continue as a Paranormal Investigation team. We discuss their project, equipment, findings and…

Episode 78: Haunted Arizona: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

Apparitions, footprints, disembodied voices, and more is what people have experienced in this Arizona church. It’s no mystery why this was happening since this church’s paranormal happenings do have an…

Episode 77: Hairy Hands of Dartmoor

The Hairy Hands of Dartmoor. What are they? What do they do? Are they dangerous? Are they evil? These hairy pair of hands appear out of nowhere and try to…